Birth of a concept
Herbal411 was founded in 2007 by Enrique Saguil, MD. His patients fondly know him as “DrRic”. During a 2 year sabbatical he moved from Illinois to Florida and embraced herbal medicine, nutritional supplementation, became the first Sports Medicine Physician/Acupuncturist for University of Central Florida’s Athletic Department and was given the honor of house physician for Cirque du Soleil La Nouba. During his time away from hospital based practice, he worked closely with herbalist/aromatherapists Wendy and Jennifer from The Clermont Herb Shoppe. Time away from “speed medicine” as he refers to standard primary care practice of keeping on time with 15-20minute visits/50+ hours a week, after hours phone calls and hospital admissions, gave enough time to reflect that this type of medical practice will work if you fix peoples symptoms with fast bandaid prescription and protocols.
-for life threatening symptoms-punt patients to the hospital
-for complicated symptoms-punt patients to a specialist for each symptom
-for multiple complicated diagnosis-give a prescription for each symptom and see them in a week
-for multiple mild issues-give over the counter medicines, reassurance nothing is showing up on testing and see them in a month
-for unhealthy findings on wellness exams-give suggestions for target weight, exercise daily, eat 10 fruits and veggies daily and see them in 1 year (until the next year when multiple mild issues develop
You wonder how can an aging American maintain independence, feel youthful and achieve longevity if the healers watching over them are only versed in the “speed medicine” revolving door. Unfortunately standard medicine is necessary as much of our population accumulates risk factors from highschool and college years, avoids going to the doctor and usually escalates the risk factors while starting a family. When a patient finally is prompted to seeking out medical advise, the declaration of multiple complicated diagnosis is given and one enters the standard medicine merry-go-round.
DrRic had the intuition to pump the brakes in growing his medical experience and step away to reflect and decide that there is something lacking in the current paradigm and people can heal without prescriptions and surgical procedures. He relates this story to his own medical ailments of fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome all miraculously reversing upon breaking his contract with Central Dupage Hospital (the behemoth now known as Northwestern Medicine). There is no animosity to large institutions, on the contrary, some of his best learning was as a student/resident in mega hospitals (see below - Education)
His father Dr Osmundo Saguil (a gynecologic surgeon) taught him the concept during surgery: if the procedure is hitting a road block, pause, step out of the operating room to reflect and allow the answer formulate. His fathers wisdom of controlling the stress response has allowed greater introspection into how dangerous it can be to allow fight or flight to intrude into the creative process of personal action plans to REVERSE disease. When adrenaline and epinephrine are abundant, the brain will retreat to a default network that essentially puts decision making into the merry-go-round above. Time away from medical practice reinforced his calling to make every patient that sees him an individual that requires a personal plan to achieve a disease free life.
Dr Saguil received his calling in highschool when he started an understanding of anatomy/physiology. Accomplishments in track and field awarded the title of captain but more importantly the experience of guiding a team of athletes on stretching, warm up, practicing calm when needed and deploying intensity for a win. DrRic went onto embrace the musculoskeletal system during college with a degree in biology and applied this to developing his personal fitness inside and out. He pursued natural body building during a decade where anabolic steroids were the controversial short cut to achieve olympic status. Winning 2 titles (Mr Natural New Jersey teen division and Mr East Coast teen division) rewarded him with trophies and stage experience but more importantly matured his belief system in the value of exercise, proper nutrition along with a deep understanding of the musculoskeletal system and human physiology.
Original aspirations were to become a physical therapist a tough decision was made there were more opportunities with being a physician vs PT school. He chose University of the East Dr Saguil was the first Balikbayan (a Filipino returning to the Philippines) to bring skin staples to the hospital when the new concept of wound closure was just starting to be introduced in the US. (The application was used for closing a patient requiring splenectomy for hodgkins lymphoma.) He moved back to the US to finish clinical rotations at Harvard, Jamaica Hospital NY, Cook County Hospital and Northwestern University Medical School. It was after graduation that he was offered a position for research assistant with Northwestern. After the research collaboration was presented in Perugia Italy, under the guidance of Dr Louis Keith. see Research Paper with Northwestern University
Official training began in a transitional residency with Penn Presbyterian Medical Center in Philadelphia. By chance, one of the recruiting doctors for West Suburban Family Medicine Residency was in Philadelphia and an interview was set up leading to an offer to join the 3 year residency. He fell in love with primary care but still had an affinity for applying exercise and nutrition to reverse disease. Dr Saguil was the second graduate of the Family Medicine program to be accepted to a sports medicine fellowship.
It was during the this training with The Center for Athletic Medicine that doctor accelerated his fund of knowledge in musculoskeletal injury and disease and in a round about way was able to accomplish rehabilitating injured patients back to health albeit from a physician’s perspective. After a post graduate program in medical acupuncture from UCLA, the addition of traditional chinese medicine to facilitate healing and return to sports.
The divergence between prescription medicine and natural healing took root from its conception in Dr Saguil’s high school days. The biggest contribution to his current practice style ultimately came with an invitation to join a fellowship at the University of Arizona Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine. This was the summit of DrRic’s training however it never stops; learning from Dr Herb Benson (Harvard Relaxation Response), Dr Deepak Chopra (The Chopra Center Yoga Teacher Training) and serving as Tutor for 1st year University of Illinois Collega of Medicine at Chicago..
Medicine and research is constantly evolving and likewise if patient medical problems are becoming more complex, Dr Saguil believes providers should be deeply involved in understanding the local community, what they are reading, and considering alternative/complementary education as this is the preferred option. Likewise when triaging people with major disease, it would be important for a healer to stay on top of the newest peer reviewed data to help families decide the most suitable course of action in compressing the time frame of suffering and transition a healthier lifestyle.
Paying for Health
Dr Enrique Saguil is a medical doctor and founder of patient care information site - Herbal411. Since 2007 when he took a sabbatical away from medical practice, the idea was established of having a repository for healthy ideas to people seeking knowledge on how to change life with alternative options. The terms “alternative, complimentary, holistic and integrative” have all been used to describe the field of healing outside of traditional medicine. Patients used to be embarrassed to let their providers know about interventions attempted for fear of being labeled weird, hippy or quackery. Now it is very common place to take supplements, try exercise activities in the community, make nutritional changes based on non physician experts such as chiropractors, acupuncturists, yoga healers or even popular social media personalities with large subscriber communities. All these alternative therapies based on the simple fact that modern medicine can intervene once signs of disease start to appear HOWEVER the idea is to course correct lifestyles before the disease appears.
Standard algorithm based medical practice is very important to keep the general population from all getting sick at the same time. Personalized care with tailor-made lifestyle changes yields superior results for the individual attempting to control the damage that is slowly starting to unravel. This requires thinking “outside the box” and not just defaulting to population guidelines. Data collection for a single patient can take up to 1.5-2 hours of questions and answers PLUS the application of more extensive testing than standard. Standard medical practice yields standard patient outcomes. If your life depends on decisions made by a medical provider, you must insist on being the focus of attention with success as the only intention. The saying by Dr Sid Mukherjee:
“Physician honesty need not equate with hopelessness.” (When doctors fool themselves, they fool patients and a rift will develop between healer and patient)
Herbal411 is the pseudonym for Enrique G Saguil, MD. Due to the time intensive visits required for developing a vision board based on blood test results, imaging studies, personal goals, prior failures, past attempts and diagnosed medical diseases, doctor does NOT participate in any medical insurance plans. Although since his care usually results in improved feelings of wellbeing, weight loss, strength gains and reversal of early disease, if you have and HSA (health savings account), an FSA (flex benefit account) your card can be used to pay for enrollment to:
-Single Consults for medical illness
-Annual Membership enrollment
-Sports Medicine Clinic
-Youtube In-depth Video Requests
-Covid Clinic
-DrRic Hiking Excursion Participation annually to a bucket list US national park (stared 2014)
-Zoom class for quarterly topics of the season (started 2022)
-Free attendance to local appearances (starting 2023 January)
-Personal messaging/texting availability with your physician
Prices are subject to change:
Single Consult fee is currently $400.00 for 1 hour (listed as 60 minutes but can be extended based on complexity at no extra charge if time permits)
-the best utilization for single consults are to A-Register; B-Fill out the intake form and load most recent blood work/imaging C-Have newer personalized blood testing/imaging ordered by Dr Saguil if ‘standard results’ add no benefit to developing lifestyle change. D-Meeting virtually or in person for creating a template for change. (Meetings usually are scheduled 10 days after doctors blood tests are performed.) E-If the patient decides before concluding the meeting, conversion to an Annual Membership, credit toward the Annual Warrior Membership will be granted to convert.
Annual Warrior Membership includes at least 12 consults per year +/- other acute follow up visits usually reserved for acute care; a quarterly meeting (two of which mandatory blood tests are performed at the patients medical insurance lab of choice + two of which require only weight, vital signs, impedance fat% percent calculation, evaluation of nutrition and exercise and sleep quality). When Annual Membership is chosen, the price will stay locked in forever as long as membership is not stopped/cancelled. (At that time if a patient wishes to return for consult, the fee rate at time of request for return will be applied-no prior discounted fees are allowed). If an Annual Membership is cancelled after first consult, the price will be switched to Single Consult fee since the Annual package is a discounted rate.
Cannabis Certification is a mandatory IN PERSON visit as required by the state of Illinois. Doctor reserves the right to review old data from prior physicians as to the individual meeting one of the states disabling conditions. It is still up to the patient to complete the states requirements regarding identification, state fees. The $150.00 Herbal411 fee covers the 30 minutes usually required for the review, confirmation of identification and medical representation for the duration of the certification. Most visits will be reserved for the Hoffman Estates office (990 Grand Canyon Pkwy, suite 214, Hoffman Estates but special arrangements can be made for The Annex at Nature’s Balance Acupuncture.
Sports Medicine Clinic: Can't get back to "higher level" training? My fellowship training in Sports Medicine at The Center for Athletic Medicine will get you a personalized plan to utilize Integrative Medicine and rehab/return to being healthy. SEEN at the HOFFMAN ESTATES or Crystal Lake Office.
Covid Clinic enrollment is a basic fee of $230.00 for virtual review as soon as symptoms start. Close follow up the first few days to weeks of the infection is important but upon resolution, discharge from clinic will be granted and no further charge will be invoiced. Medication assessment, supplement review, work time off, guidance on early reversal all included.
For further inquiries please address questions to or (847) 454-7021